Kalyani Vallath - Guest Lecture

Workshop On  Cultural Study

                   -By KalyaniVallath

"Nature is Culture and
                 Culture is Nature"

So when the Culture came in our mind we simply mean that culture is all.about clothes, behaviour, food, customs, rituals, tradition, way of living etc….But Culture is something more than that, Culture is Mirror of society, it tells the history of that particular region.

On 27 December 2019 Dr. Dilip Barad Sir organized full day guest Lecture at Department of English for the Net-Set exam aspirant, Resource person is Kalyani Vallath on Cultural Studies.

Kalyani vallath who is passionate teacher as well as business woman or we can say entrepreneur. On his own expense she choose to visit our Department and make conversation with us on very useful topic Cultural Study. She is very independent woman who is multi-tasker played her role as teacher as well as business woman. She is extra-ordinary personality with immense sense of humour.

Innovative Entrepreneur

Kalyani Vallath mam is the best example that how creativity helps us to also make money. She also proves that when one is passionate about one particular subject than how it can be emerged in the new form by some inventions. SHe operates the business where she creates T-shirts, Mug, Key-chain with Logos and also wrote quotes of literature on it.

Concept of Cultural Study

Human created culture and now human created under the influence of culture. When we see the word Culture what first came into our mind is tradition, the way of living, clothing, food, Behaviour, Values, morals etc...Every community consider a different culture. Culture is the part of our life we can't denied it. It came in our behaviour or in our activity consciously or unconsciously.

 "Culture which unites people and    
At the same time it differentiates people."

As Matthew Arnold used to say that "Culture is study of perfection." Which always used to talk about culture as only  for elite and high class people. But new beginning in Cultural Study put the laymen first, what culture is all about ordinary people. So there were first theorist who belongs to Frankfurt School are like...

  • Max Horkheimer,
  • Theodor Adorno, 
  • Erich Fromm,
  • Herbert Marcuse, 
  • Walter Benjamin, 
  • Leo Lowenthal

So when we talk about culture it not only involve around high-class people but Ordinary people is also part of it they Also have culture.

How to Teach Cultural Studies

Every single man is an integral part of culture. So we can say that everyone had particular culture. But people are not aware about it. When we draw their attention towards it they can understand culture in more proper way. Culture can be taught in theories and methods, but what more appropriate way is to take examples from culture and teach it.

Some Examples

Mam has a fabulous way to taught students with so many examples. Her way of describe the things is superb, one can imagine the whole incidents in his own minds. It creates the separate impression in everyone's mind. Mam shared so many examples of her day to day life as well as her traveling experience in different countries.

One example, how traveling changed her perception towards culture. When she visited one village in Assam where she finds that people used to drink or eat cow or buffaloes and it's blood. At first sight it looks terrible and we can imagine that people are also bad but when she listens the history behind it that because of lack of food or rain people started eating it then it looks normal and there were some situations and events which leads people do these such things.

There are also many more examples. Every example is full of meaning and it also useful to understand the theory perfectly.

With her unique and versatile way Kalyani mam gave us Basic but not least information about cultural study which helpful not only for studies but also useful for day to day life and deeper understanding of society. So many funny and best examples are given by Mam to understand the various concepts and theories.

It was a very interesting experience to learn from a mam. We learn so many things. Me and whole Department is grateful to mam for spending her valuable time with us and sharing her ideas. We are also thankful to Dilipbarad Sir for organizing such a meaningful and fruitful workshop.

Thank You....


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