Movie Review : The Great Dictator

 Hello Readers,

Watching a film and Reading a film are two different ways. When we are watching film only for the sake of entertainment then it shows the aesthetics concern of literary art, and when we are reading films then theoretical approaches of literature helps us to make criticism of film. So, In this particular blog the writer's had taken a task to make the frame reading of Charlie Chaplin's movie 'The Great Dictator' through the lenses of Modernism.

Comedy is the best literary form to make satire or mockery of something. But, spreading a message with comedy and laughter is not an easy task. It demands a tremendous amount of work and critical thinking. And Charlie Chaplin as a comedian succeeded to deliver his message effectively.

Polymer Charlie Chaplin made silent films in the era of Sound film, which in itself a very challenging task. And his Slapstick Diplomacy is noteworthy and praiseworthy also.

The Great Dictator is one of his first movies with dialogues and Sound. It is a Political Satire designed with the reflection of comic elements. The film was written, directed, produced and starred by multidisciplinary expert Chaplin. The Film is also remembered for the historical significance. The film was also preserved by the National Film Registry of the United States in 1997, because….

"The film is being culturally, aesthetically and historically significant."

The film shows open condemnation of Anti-Semitism, Nazism and Fascism and support the struggle and desire of being free soul of Jewish Barbar, who wants the world where there is no descrimination, Every soul has Liberty and freedom to do what they want. The movie also successfully depicts the ill-treatment of Jewish people and cruelty of German officer's towards Jews during concentration camp. Chaplin himself admits in his autobiography that….

"Had I known of the actual horrors of the German concentration camps, I could not have made 

'The Great Dictator',

 I could not have made fun of the homicidal insanity of the Nazis"

Historical Significance of Movie

"The text is historical and 

history is textual"

This is the approach of 'New Historicism' a new born concept emerged during the Modern era, which studies the historical elements of Literary text. 

Now the question is what makes the "The Great Dictator" a historical text. So, the answer is the resemblance of characters with the historical figures, the events of history like Concentration camp, hatred towards Jewish, Prejudicial behaviour of German people towards jew and the painful suffering of Jews and Fight for their rights during 2nd World War are wisely captured here by Charlie Chaplin. Beginning statement of the movie proves the historical importance of the movie….

“This is a story of a period between two World Wars—an interim in which Insanity cut loose. Liberty took a nosedive, and Humanity was kicked around somewhat.”

Character Resemblance

The Great Dictator


Adenoid Hynkel(Dictator of Tomainia)

Adolf Hitler(Dictator of Germany)

Benzino Napaloni(Dictator of Bacteria)

Benito Mussolini(Dictator of Italy)

Garbitsch- Garbage

Joseph Goebbels(Minister of Propaganda)


Hermann Goring(Minister of War)

Frame Reading of 'The Great Dictator'

Hierarchical system of society makes the communal, Racial, Powered as well as Religious descrimination. Why are some people or communities seen as minority or inferior? There is possibility of some Prejudicial Elements behind that.

So, When studying the first frame of the movie, in which there are two photos one is from back and another one is from front. Now the man who is standing at the first position if Jew Soldier. So, What this frame implies is that When it comes to taking advantage, Jew are at last in raw and When it comes to taking Risk Jew is at first. So, The officers in power orders Jew to check the defected missile on the risk of his life. So, It shows the Hierarchical structures in bureaucratic services of Germany where Jews are subaltern and do not have the right to speak. This is what Antony Gramsci wants to prove by his term 'Subaltern' which is developed by him after observing his hegemonic structure of Bureaucracies.

Now another Image is the Shop of Jew. Now this particular frame demonstrates the Predominant Prejudice towards Jews. If we look at the historical context of why there is too much hatred towards Jews then we come to know that it is not Hitler who only hates Jews, But this kind of treatment towards Jews is from the Middle ages. You can see the below picture which is of 1353 - in which Burning of Jews is portrayed. They are blamed for the spread of The Great Plague in Europe which is also known as Black Death. 

So, What this Frame explains is that, Tomainia is a country which is depicted in movies. In which if there is any shop of Jew then Authority overpowered that shop and can write that this is the Shop of Jew in a big 'Capital Words.' So, The movie try to condemned the very idea of Anti-Semitism.


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