Group Discussion - Blended Learning Activity

Hello Learners,

(To gain better understanding of blended learning watch below given video)

Blended learning is an educational approach that combines traditional face-to-face classroom instruction with online and digital learning experiences. This method leverages the strengths of both in-person and online learning to provide a more flexible, personalized, and effective educational experience.

Key Characteristics of Blended Learning

1. Integration of Online and Offline Learning: Blended learning seamlessly integrates online digital media with traditional classroom methods. This can include online lectures, interactive assignments, and digital resources.

2. Flexibility and Accessibility: Students can access learning materials anytime and anywhere, which can accommodate different learning styles and paces.

3. Enhanced Engagement: The combination of various media and interactive activities can increase student engagement and motivation.

4. Personalized Learning: Online components allow for more personalized instruction, where students can work at their own pace and focus on areas where they need improvement.

5. Collaboration and Interaction: Blended learning often incorporates collaborative tools and activities that promote interaction among students and between students and instructors.

Components of Blended Learning:

1. Face-to-Face Instruction: Traditional classroom activities such as lectures, discussions, hands-on activities, and direct interaction with instructors.

2. Online Learning: Digital resources such as videos, online courses, discussion forums, quizzes, and other interactive content delivered through learning management systems (LMS).

3. Self-Paced Learning: Opportunities for students to engage in self-directed learning activities, allowing them to progress at their own pace.

4. Assessment and Feedback: A combination of online quizzes, assignments, peer assessments, and in-person evaluations to monitor and support student progress.

Benefits of Blended Learning:

1. Improved Learning Outcomes: Studies have shown that blended learning can lead to better academic performance compared to purely traditional or online methods.

2. Increased Student Engagement: The use of diverse instructional methods can capture students' interest and keep them engaged.

3. Greater Flexibility: Students have the flexibility to learn at their convenience, which can be particularly beneficial for those with other commitments such as work or family.

4. Cost-Effectiveness: Blended learning can reduce the costs associated with traditional classroom settings while still providing high-quality education.

5. Enhanced Collaboration: Online tools and platforms facilitate collaboration among students and instructors, leading to richer learning experiences.

Blended Learning: Worksheet for Group Discussions

Course: Communication ability in English (AES)

Topic: Fundamentals of Group Discussions (GDs)

Objective: Understand the key concepts and strategies for participating in group discussions, and develop the necessary skills for effective communication during GDs.


Watch the Video

  • Watch the video on fundamentals of group discussions. Pay attention to the strategies and tips provided for effective participation in GDs.

Note-Taking: Take notes on the following points:
  • Definition and purpose of group discussions
  • Key qualities looked for in GDs
  • Strategies for participating in GDs
  • Tips for effective communication during GDs

Reflection Questions

  • How can you demonstrate leadership in a group discussion?
  • What strategies can you use if you are not familiar with the GD topic?

Task: Submit your response in the form of pdf by attaching
your reply document to the classroom task.


[Music] hi friends welcome back to this course on employment communication and today we are in the most crucial point in the course today we are going to start our discussion on group discussions so employment communication the course as such consists of three parts apart from introduction we have seen rewriting which we completed recently then we have group discussions on GDS and then we have personal interviews and a lot of lab sessions in between so today we are in part number two of the course that is group discussions lecture 24 is here presented to you fundamentals of group discussions are in short as they are called GDS so the concepts covered in this presentation will be first of all a definition and maybe I will speak for a short time on the mode in which group discussion is conducted number two is qualities which are looked for in GDS through this process of posture as such number three what are the strategies you should adopt in gd's to be successful and lastly is what should be your body language by body sport I mean the way in which you should be sporting or displaying your body during the course of the group discussion so at the outset I like you to see this video hi to understand how to sail through a JD you must first understand why LGD is conducted as a part of the recruitment process one reason could be for easy filtration when the number of candidates is large it could also be no specific where the company requires candidates who can articulate their perspective effectively in groups you can also see it in the following manner if the company hires you and you are in the meeting with your peers in senior management will you shout and yell it to prove a point or would you understand the other person's perspective along with putting forward your thoughts so that a good decision can be made collectively so now that you have some background let's do a deep life the typical format is a 10-minute discussion a minute to jot down your ideas on the topic eight minutes to discuss and one last minute to summarize the discussion once you know the topic you could be bucketed into one of the three categories first you have a good grasp over the topic and understand it well second you're familiar but do not have a complete picture and third you have no clue about the topic regardless of which bracket you belong to there is a possibility that you get selected if you plan your discussion and talking points well the most common pattern for a group of eight is that there will be two people who won't know a lot of things for who are somewhat familiar and the last two would know very little about the topic if you know most of the stuff this is what you could do make a list of you three best points in the one minute given to you do not just keep adding points make sure that you have really good points which you could use to make a great opening statement then when you begin speaking start with I have two important points and continue what I have three important points or something of that sort then let people speak and build on top of the concision you may have good points but that does not mean that you will be the only one to speak listening to others points and maintaining the flow of the conversation is equally important if you're familiar with the topic you could start with a strong point but you could also try waiting for a while and then jumping right in by analyzing the first few points that were put up by others talk about why the previously mentioned points were good or bad have they covered all perspectives if you can offer an alternate perspective do so if you can add to someone's point and support it with facts or additional information you must do so if you have very little idea about the topic you could initially listen to the views of the other members use these points to form an opinion about this topic and then at the right time address the group with your opinion do you support it if esy which point was the one that you liked that one of the members put up if so why another thing that you could do is ask for a word by show of hands and where how many people support the statement if this is a yes/no statement and raise your hand to so that this prompt others to do the same when it comes to the point where you have to summarize I have always felt that it is best to let someone summarized was in fact the least in the discussion again this may be based on the situation but if you can summarize it better do give it a shot and start by saying something like I would like to summarize do not just talk about your viewpoint if there was a word tell the group where the discussion started and what is the present situation have some people change their view why do you think this happen talk about both sides if it is a foreign against issue if not say something about what everyone else talked about talked about the good points that were put up by others but to do this will have to remember what the other spoke about you may take notes on a piece of paper or if you really find something interesting or insightful that someone else poked about talk about it during the somebody if someone else's already summarized and if you have something to add to it that was missed out you must do so but repeating the same thing could be a bad idea if you do that everyone else will also want to do it and this will create a lot of commotion in the last minute but yes all these are just some points based on a few experiences I've had in group discussions there are no fixed rules per se most of what you need to do is respond to the situation and act wisely when people sometimes refer to their luck factor and placements perhaps this is what they refer to now let's move to the section that I really hate to tell you about these are some general points that mostly people follow during conversations I am just putting them here for a sense of completeness first make eye contact when you talk and use limited moments to complement other people's thoughts and your thoughts make it easier for the group to understand your point share a short personal experience if it is relevant and if you have something on your mind do not cut someone's point synthesize the other person's thoughts and lastly don't dominate negatively you can influence strongly but it should not come across as bullying or rude behavior so that's most of what I had in mind regarding gd's if you have anything specific do comment below also since YouTube is one of these interaction mediums where it's one-to-many you will have to like subscribe or comment to let me know if you find this video useful if you prefer you can also drop me but do let me know what you think thank you so having had a brief introduction and description into the group discussion strategies and techniques now we are in the position to move forward so first of all brief definition of the group discussion and its discussion which is organized to gauge to understand to evaluate to judge the mettle of a group by metal the quality the caliber the quality the caliber of a group of applicants candidates desirous of gaining employment so the group discussion is a discussion held to gauge or judge the mettle of a group prior to their entry into any organization the communication skills of each one of them is tested reservist the other equally academically and competent candidates let us explain the last part of the definition once again equally that is more or less the same age so if it is we take plus one year the age would normally will be twenty plus one so more or less the candidates would be twenty twenty one twenty twenty two year age group academically if the organization wants and prints are applicants who would be we take plus two years or mtech plus two years of experience more or less all the group discussions all the group participants would be mtech plus 2a2 two-and-a-half years of experience then we think about competent competency related to work experience alone by itself in this case what we imply in this definition is that the students or the candidates who are participating in the GD would be having similar number of years of experience if it is specified at least citizen carrier that you have to have five years to seven years of experience the range would be five to seven years of experience which is the competency level of the candidate so let's look through five slides on why the organization or the recruiter is holding a Gd and what are the qualities which he or she is searching for looking for or analyzing the candidates for and the first one of these is leadership quality as I have been saying again and again everybody wants a leader nobody wants illusion all wants people with the best of the qualities in them so this is a highly impossible situation that a company will have all leaders peopling it because then where will the losers go where will the mediocre students go isn't it the question would be that but whatever it is the organization is looking for those with leadership qualities and during the course of the GD the group discussion the leadership quality can be displayed by you as a student or participant by first of all taking the initiative so in a group discussion the one who is able to begin the discussion as that such is the one taking the initiative because he or she says hello friends we are here to discuss let us say capital punishment or ban on capital punishment so there should be someone in the group of seven or eight who is the one who takes the initiative and that's the catch that's the place where the leadership quality is first of all displayed number two during the course of the riskless discussion what will happen is there will be some people or some participants who will start digressing and now these have to be brought back to the correct mode so the leader is one who is able to understand and see through the situation what's unfolding in front of all of us the group discussions or the participants and able to understand that okay now we need to come back to the proper focus of the group discussion this ability to give direction is the quality of a leader number three many times if you observe in some of the videos I will also show some videos today the point is that there are some discussions who might become emotionally attached to the topic or order viewpoint and sometimes there may be others who are by nature aggressive or more reserved than the other if we have to put it in that way the point is the leader is one who takes the group along emotional reactions or assertiveness or too much of assertiveness are things which take away into the time of the group discussion and therefore the leader is the one who observes this and somehow intervenes and says something so that the direction of the group is now fixed on the tracks leader is of course number four one who listens listening very important skill we had two classes on listening and one lab class on listening somebody who is able to listen patiently and deliberately and slowly giving his entire focus to what is being said by the other somebody who is not a non listener or a fraudulent listener or an attacker or an offensive listener you have been told about all these fraudulent or negative bad listening habits this is the quality of a leader and lasts is gold fulfillment in the in the event of a case study kind of GD at the end of the case study there are two three questions given which have to be fulfilled whose answers have to be provided by the group and it should emerge from among the group the leader is one who leads to the goal fulfillment so it becomes like a circle he or she is one who starts the GD because he or she takes the initiative ability to give direction take the group along listening and finally goal fulfillment so this is the way by which this is an advice that if you do these five points then you display the leader in you number two the second one is knowledge of the subject matter of course for the first type of GD which we will have in the lab we will give you reading material even if it's a leading material on euthanasia or it's a reading material on reservations or whatever it is the point is apart from what the Redeemer King says or provides you information the point is apart from this how much more you have knowledge of the subject matter so this is proved by the way in which you present the details in the case of a case interview or a case Gd the point is that there are some fine details hidden in within the matter black upon white in the case sheet and if you can present those details that you can bring out the details bring the matter out of the information or the data and present it then it's proof that you have knowledge of the subject matter number two is when you are presenting initially maybe let us say in a circular or oval or C shaped type of Gd every candidate gets two minutes or maybe one minute to give his presentation or his viewpoint or opinions on the issue under discussion and in this what we have to say is that there should be first of all no language mistakes at all and secondly it should be error-free in all senses of the term in the event of a case case Gd you should not make any errors because that's case sheet or case GD has been provided you by the recruiter and they know they'll understand that you are making an error if you make an error so the advice is presentation of details and error-free presentations this display your knowledge of the subject matter under discussion for the third one is the quality which is very important and little ability at the workplace is that ability which will be most valued by the employers and therefore the need that you show that you have analytical capability in you how do you do it how do you work upon your analytical ability think about the use of arguments examples and logic in your presentation I mean the first initial presentation of one minute and thereafter when it's open to all when all the six seven eight members are discussing among themselves across this oval table or the circular table or the c-shaped manner in which they are sitting so the use of arguments examples and logic how effectively are the same related to the subject matter this is that which will display which will give an inkling or a clue to the employer that you are having analytical ability number four is clarity of thought apart from the first three points if your thinking process is clear if you are not confused or muddled or take time to take decisions you know waste time to take decisions this is somebody everybody would like to have in his or her organizational workplace how do you show the question is how do you display that you have a clear thinking process number one is distillation of essentials so let's take the example of the case study kind of interview so a lot of funda and data will be given there will be maybe six paragraphs followed by three questions at the end which you have to solve by the end of ten or maybe say 15 minutes the point is the candidate who is able to take out the best your word of distilled water distilled water is pure water so the candidate who is able to take out the purest matter and that which matters the essential elements of the case study is one who shows a clear thinking process for this the other hand what you have to do is delete all the peripheral matter delete all in essential and unimportant matter sometimes they are given in the case study just to confuse you to befuddle you and to make you digressed but the point is if you have a clear thinking process you will be able to detect that these are useless matters and I need not apply my mind to these and speak about these matters during my presentation time or during the course of the general discussion as such and the last is most important these are the qualities of a leader conviction and flexibility by conviction we mean that you are convinced of your viewpoint by flexibility we mean although you are convinced of the viewpoint you are flexible in it enough to accommodate the viewpoint of the others so how is this displayed or how is this reflected during the course of the group discussion of ten to fifteen minutes the first is look at the strength by which you present your arguments and secondly how flexible are you in approaching the topic now during the course of the group discussion if some of the people say good things which matter to you then you should be able to accommodate them in the group discussion if a group discussion says something which is important which was new which is unique your ability to accommodate those ideas or new opinions show your flexibility in approach to the topic we move further and there are some do's and dont's some strategies for gd's and first we come to the DOE dues the first advice is kiss which means keep it short and simple whatever you have to say don't ramble don't be rambling on and on like you have on the highways those ramble ships you know 20 of those chips so don't be manufacturing and going on and off and digressing and diverting the point is write a rough note you have got the case interview you have got the sheet on which you are discussing write some thumb notes on the margins and you may look at it and then speak or you may look at it once keep it away and then speak whatever the point is whatever you have to say is keep it short and simple kiss in other words you must remember that the others also have to speak it's not a question of all seven or all eight of you getting one one minute each to speak on the topic and then when it's open for all you become impatient that I am NOT getting my time I had 10 points to speak and I have only been able to speak about four points and the discussion seems to be going on and the other discussant is assertive or aggressive and not giving me a chance to speak all are speaking at a time there is total Kumbha Mela confusion so when will I get my chance to speak if these are thoughts you need to keep them in control remember that there is time enough it's only a feeling it's a wrong feeling sometimes you feel that it's going to be you know it's going to be ten moment ten minutes is going to be over and I have not said but it's not like that be patient hold on as the same number two is follow the principles of oral communication and this is related to adhere to the principles of politeness number six here the point is in oral communication also we have to observe etiquette and manners we have to be polite we cannot be cutting the other when he or she is speaking however impatient our nature might be we have to control it mind your P's and Q's as the same so if one discussant is speaking at that point of time hold on listen carefully because I said listening is a very important skill among the four communication skills so the most important I would say so listen carefully only when you listen can you assimilate absorb and then speak it can be your you know jumping board if you are able to listen carefully it can be a jumping mode into better and better performances at the workplace you know that the group discussion is meant to replicate your behavior in working as a team or a project at the workplace the very purpose of a group discussion is to understand how will this candidate behave when he becomes part of our organization so this you must remember and follow the principles of oral communication and number six you must observe or stick to the principles of politeness mind your P's and Q's number three is to make even contributions so apart from the point that in the normal or the simpler form of group discussion the first type of group discussion you have people who in fact they are asked initially to speak one minute and then it's open for all so all must be able to speak and the leader in this instance displays his or her leadership quality also in point number three by observing or understanding that okay we have this candidate here this friend here who is not speaking and let's ask him please friend can you are can you just let us know what your view on the issue for what observes what observant observation are what we observe is that sometimes during the group discussion there are gaps there are pauses there are periods of silence now what could be done in this instance is that somebody who is aware that okay now suddenly all of a sudden all have become quiet this person could conclude that friends till now we have discussed one two three four five so conclude periodically fifth the fifth point is deliberate that is think carefully as they say you know look before you leap so I would say think before you speak so deliberate think carefully and be slow there is no need to be like a rollercoaster when you are giving your points when you are delivering your points we have done sixth in connection with two let's come to the last point substantiate your point with examples and not the other way around that is if you make a point support it with an example don't give the example first and then give the point so let's say suppose your point is that environmental pollution is negatively affecting our heritage structures then your example is let's say the Taj Mahal one of the wonders of the world which is located in Agra in our country let's say that you can say you can give the example to this point of pollution I like to say industrial pollution is impacting heritage structures negatively you can substantiate your point with this example that around the Taj Mahal there are a lot of industries maybe even leather industry so on and so forth and they are having a negative impact on the Tajima health the archeologist or the restorers or the historians or the visitors have noticed yellowing of the marble used to make the Taj Mahal so we move further what are the don'ts for gd's the first is to speak loudly remember that if you increase your volume it reduces by half the impact of what you are saying loud volume will not make you be heard so there's no need to speak loudly all are able to listen because all are sitting in close proximity to each other in a in a group discussion room which has a circular table or a c-shaped empty space or oval-shaped structure number two is don't adopt a negative stance by this I mean that get emotionally attached to your position your stance and which makes you negative against somebody else's propositions or statements remember that this is just a role-playing this is just activity a roleplay of 10 to 15 minutes and I must do my best I must not show the negative side of my character which is attachment to my points or emotional attachment or emotional reactiveness number three is don't give a casual look if you look at the group discussant anybody else if you're speaking look at everybody directly have the direct gauge or eye contact don't give a casual look it's not a picnic or an informal situation number four is do not be like a jumping jack too much of playing your hands because it would imply that you have to less to say and therefore your body language is too much and fifth in last is don't talk too fast first of all remember that English is not our native tongue we are all second language users because and listeners in English so if we talk fast if we have too many words per minute in our speech it will not be understood absorbed assimilated by the other discussants so if they don't understand how will the discussion proceed so let's move over to the body sport how will you display how will you be sitting how will you be standing and in this small line chart I have on the right hand side the significance of what position or what posture you should adopt during the GD so let me tell you with a word of caution that these are just advisory you don't have to stick to it and these are not the result of research has been proved it so and so this is just for your understanding and for your information and knowledge the first is push your body to the back of the chair push your body to the back of the chair in case you're sitting on chairs because it gives you alert and be comfortable don't be uncomfortably seated on your chair it makes you comfortable if you push your body to the back of the chair instead of leaning forward number two is to keep your hands on your lap right atop the left right atop the left which indicates that you're on a logical person this is just in consonance with one research finding which says that the right side of the brain has to do with logic philosophy and the left side of the brain has to do with artistic tendencies of an individual but again I would say that there are people who are left-handed and so for them the normal tendency would to put the left atop the right so again as I say this is a word of caution number two is an advice it's up to you to adopt it or to reject it number three is keep your legs stationed on the ground do not be dangling or moving or you know just waving your heads like legs because you remember that you are under system observation on the other side of the glass and the recruiters the people who are representing the organization and they can see you for new it appears to be a glass window but they can see you from there or they might be a CCTV and they may be watching your life in some other room or station so there is no need to if you have a tendency to keep on shaking your legs and making noises putting them on the floor yeah blah blah keep your legs stationed on the ground control yourself at least during the course of the interview and this keeps you firmly positioned on the second part here which is right and left intertwined beneath the chair I have no comments it's up to you the fourth we have already put it in these strategies are the do's for the jury don't have too much of movement with your hands too much of activity whatever you are doing because it indicates that you do not need hands as props when speaking and I think we should be good enough with our words and don't need to use your hands for your for the communication of your message during the GD I have a video here and tips for cracking group discussions please watch hello everyone this particular video is for group discussion and broadly we will try to break it into four parts first of which being what is a group discussion and the purpose that it meets second the types of group discussions third the assessment parameters and fourth do's and don'ts for a group discussion group discussion a lot of times is a selection criteria as far as or rather a round for selection in organizations as well as for colleges for selection of candidates after the first round of screening has happened which is most probably an aptitude test in a group discussion they generally have 8 to 12 people sitting either in a C shape or a U shape or a round arrangement and they are given a topic to discuss a lot of times certain qualitative things like how do they conduct themselves in a group team skills how do they ID it on a particular topic and how do they arrive at a larger motive of reaching a conclusion or trying to converge on a particular point as a team is concerned is what is evaluated broadly group discussions are in four different categories first of which is fact-based gd's second are evergreen topics thirds third is case studies or fourth is abstract topics let me give a certain example so that B was on the same page on this particular aspect first is fact-based topics fact-based topics more or less a lot of times our current awareness based topics so things like did the u.s. commit a mistake by bringing Trump into power was brexit more of an emotional decision in comparison to a practical decision by the Britain is the monetization a good idea badly implemented or is the monetization a good step in the right direction social media and media are the propaganda driven now these are the broad topics which a lot of times are where you will need a lot of facts to support whatever your stand is the second kind of topics are the evergreen topics evergreen topics are those topics which have been more or less debated for close to a 10-15 years now or probably generations things like topics like arranged marriage versus love marriage or topics like shoot cricket be made the national sport of India does hockey not get the required you know momentum as far as the being the national sport of India shoot India wage a war against Pakistan do you ever think that India will beat China now these are all really broad topics we've been who stayed with us for close to generations now and have been debated on multiple forums the third kind of topics are the case-based topics now case-based topics a lot of times are lightly crafted along marketing cases so you know a classic example could be what happened to the Cadbury's so there was a worm which was found close to a decade back so what if you are a product manager of Cadbury's how will you get back the same credibility which has been lost on the other hand pesticides found in coca-cola or Pepsi how will you try to regain that you know such kind of case studies which are marketing case studies sometimes operational case studies sometimes ethic or ethical dilemma based case studies so you know probably you're working in an organization your boss is not supporting you or if they'll try to make a case around it and ask you for your solutions so that is case studies the Fourth Kind is the abstract variety a lot of times to check only the creativity of the candidates so you know really creative topics like X or the topics like K water is blue life is a lemon I want my money back such kind of topics who might not have a head or tail around it but it is just that how do you you know envision yourself in such a topic and how do you creatively think through that topic to to you know as a group of ten to twelve people arrive at the same page is something which is being tested in abstract topics broadly if I look at the parameters which are checked in in all the four just in varied proportions could be the broad four categories one is communication skills and body language second is team skills third is awareness or understanding of the content of that particular topic and fourth is problem solving ability or creativity now if it's a case study problem-solving ability could be given greater marks a lot of times these four parameters when I talk to the the the moderators who can Jeanne's they've tried to put this into four different weightages 35 25 25 and 15 just that these four weightages change across these parameters depending on the topic which has been given so you know if there is a topic on D monetization or if it is about Trump or if it is about current awareness undoubtedly awareness or content gets 35 marks on the other hand if it's a abstract topic which is something like an X or a K or one plus one is equal to eleven or things like that your creativity and thought process is given 35 marks something like that so 35 25 25 15 is a very standard break up on these four parameters just that it varies on the basis of the topic which has been given to the the participants of the GD about the larger do's and don'ts of a GD a lot of times for us to develop a Content we need to prepare a lot which means which will call for a lot of reading now those broad topics like can India ever beat China or things like you know is corruption the biggest problem that is troubling India today what is the biggest thing that holds back India from being a developed economy in the next ten years now these are so broad topics that you need to have a very structured approach towards it a lot of times we call these things as thought generators thought generators come in the form of a pestle and CHM when I say pestle and CHM it is political economic social technological environment legal CHM is culture humor and media so this is one way of looking at the about the same topic when I look at a case study there's a very structured approach of Sapa dhaba which is followed which is situation analysis problem analysis decision analysis and plan of action this is what people call as s Sabah da ba sa PA da PA so you can just try to understand this this this sits in your head just so that while you are sitting for that group discussion this could be a thought generator for you on the other hand some really broad topics as I told you sometimes is social media a dampener for today's youth social media is a complete propaganda now one such kind of questions are asked you can even try to follow the why what where how when approach which is called w5h approach wherein you try to question why did this topic come into the place and where do I want to take particular topic to and why today so you know D monetization is today hence the problem is today and it could just be about any particular topic W Phi H gives you a lot of perspective about the same topic depending on current awareness so this also constitutes the awareness plus content which is 35 marks in such kind of discussions the larger do's and don'ts for the Gd try to be constructive throughout the discussion avoid a one to one a lot of times when aggression reaches a particular point after that you don't think constructively towards the topic you rather think destructively against a particular opponent this is where you should stop thinking about a person maintain a good eye contact avoid physical gestures which go beyond your shoulder so a lot of times you want to point at somebody who is on my right instead of using this I should rather be using this because that keeps me inside my shoulder limit taking down points trying to you know be constructively there or writing down a point or two on a notepad is also considered to be a good gesture an acknowledgement of the fact that you do you do listen when others speak you don't you don't necessarily need to start or end so there's this myth which says that you know you should either start or end Gd or give a conclusion these are unnecessary compulsive things pushed by certain propaganda again very frankly if you have a take on it have a take on it if you don't you don't have a take on it don't try to push a particular take because that doesn't come out constructive enough your larger thought process is to have a cohesion of thoughts bring your team together reach a particular consensus if possible acknowledge the fact that there are people who might have alternative opinions try to include them in the larger scheme of things and you know a lot of times there are some people who maintain a very neutral ground to certain topics things like if I say can India ever beat China they will say as far as sports is concerned we cannot beat as far as industry is concerned we cannot beat as far as culture and freedom of press is concerned we can beat now if the same person tries to beat around the bush or give you both sides of the coin a lot of times it is not taken positively because that also means that you don't have a stand for yourself even if you acknowledge the other points always hold on to a particular stand take a stand only certain topics which you know come with compulsion things like our men better than women or men are better managers than women or probably blacks and whites or religion-based topics now these are things which are not in your hand these are god-gifted so this is where you can maintain a neutral stand if at all you want to otherwise for anything else you please have a stand try to push for your stand a little bit more and accommodate the other guys rather than having a very strong opinion in a single direction that's it as far as CDs are concerned read a lot stay aware best of luck for your season and do well thank you so I hope that in a sense this video has been useful to you and if you wish you can look at it further I just wanted to acknowledge the book called business communication by Sasha called who teaches communication at I am Amanda bath the presentation was totally based on her book an extract from a book business communication which I acknowledge here and thank you for being with me god bless you.

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