PhD Coursework

Paper 1

Research Methodology

This presentation is prepared and presented as a part of Phd Coursework Paper 1 named Research Methodology. The title of the presentation is “Publish or Perish : Pointing a mirror to Reality”, In which the presenter will be discussing the critical issue of "Publish or Perish," a phrase that has become synonymous with the pressures faced by academics in the modern research environment.

This presentation will explore the origins and evolution of this phrase, the rewards and stresses it brings, and its impact on research culture. The presenter will also examine how the relentless drive to publish can lead to unethical practices, such as plagiarism, data manipulation, and the proliferation of low-quality research.

It will also address the domination of Global-North in collaborative publications, the oligopoly of academic publishers, and the criteria that define a quality journal. The negative implications of this culture, such as work-life imbalance and stifled creativity, will be discussed, followed by potential ways forward, including the development of quality metrics, interdisciplinary research, and the rise of new digital platforms that challenge traditional publishing norms.

Through this presentation, The presenter hopes to shed light on the challenges of the "Publish or Perish" culture and discuss how we can work towards a more sustainable and ethical research environment.

Publish or Perish : Pointi.. by Asha Dhedhi

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