PostModernism and Technoculture
"The best way to create value in 21 century is to connect creativity with Technology."
- Steve Jobs
21 century changes the dynamics of PostModernism with technology. Post-Modernism can be characterised by intense development in Technology. The world is at our fingertips and advancement in technology also brings new ways of expression and creativity. Technology brings Some new ways to Learn things and with it also brings some PostModernism Terms and Theory. Let's have a look at those terms…
Jean Baudrillard
- Hyperreal
Hyperreal is the term which denotes that with the advancement of technology, to distinguish between real and artificial is becoming difficult. The line between reality and false starts blurred. In one of his interviews Bruce Lee said…
"Real is unreal and
unreal is real
natural is unnatural and
unnatural is natural."
"Simulacra and Simulation" (1981) is a book by Jean Baudrillard, a kind of philosophical treatise in which he says…
“It is no longer a question of imitation, nor duplication, nor even parody. It is a question of substituting the signs of the real for the real”
Baudrillard is not only insisting that Postmodern culture is artificial, to show something artificial there is need to know what is real.But what he wants to point out is that we slowly and steadily lost our ability to sense out what is natural and what is artifice.
Paul Virilio - Dromology
The word Dromology is derived from Greek noun 'Dromos' which is used for race or racetrack. With this meaning in his mind he coined the term Dromology which means "Science of Speed" According to Virilio Speed became the soul agent of progress. He further said that…..
"There was no industrial revolution,
only Dromocratic Revolution,
There is no Democracy only Democracy,
There is no Strategy only Dromology."
With the help of technology and computers we can communicate with people from any corner within no time. But Virilio is Critical of thought and said that technologies distorting 'Real' reality by replacing real time and space with "Virtual Realities."
Ulrich Beck - Risk Society
Ulrich Beck is a contemporary German theorist of Modernity. Who wrote more about Risk and Globalization. He said that Risk which is inherited in Modern society leads to the formation of Risk Society.
Technology produces extremely new forms of risks and we are constantly in the Trap of Problems and Solutions. There is a consistent need to adjust with changes.
What is the main problem regarding Risk Society is that it is not only limited to one country, But in an era of Globalization it affects all countries and all Classes in society. It is not only restricted to personal consequences but affects globally.Industrial Society created new dangers and risks in society. It doesn't mean that before there was no risk. But the risks are natural..Like Natural Disasters.
"Risk in Modern society are created
by our own scientific and
technological advancement."
Culture of Speed Vs. Culture of Slow Movement
Above discussed all terms are in direct or in indirect way connected with the Culture of Speed. Every term denoting how with the help of technology everything became speedy and changing dynamics of speed arise a need to slow down. Through Technology and Modernization our lifestyle became hectic, fast, complex and immediate. Online author Leo Babauta writes….
"Life, moves at such a fast pace that
it seems to pass us by before
we can really enjoy it."
So, There is a need to take a step back, take a deep breath and slow down our speed in order to get the real essence of life. By doing so we can escape from endless stress. So, Slow Movement is a Cultural shift of Slow down life. Carl Honore in his book "In Praise of Slow" first published in 2004, explored the thought of how industrialised societies could think of slowness in terms of movement.
It is cultural revolution against
conventional notion that
"Faster is Better"
Fast food, Fast Life is the makers of PostModernism. At the initial level Slow Movement starts with Slow Food. In 1989 Carlo Patrini challenged the industrialised fast food by preparing food at home with the pleasure of cooking and sharing food. One of Recent Manifestation of Slow Movement in Academia.
"The Slow Professor" is a book by two friends Maggie Berg and Barbara K. Seeber. The book argues that professors should actively resist against "Speed Culture" in Academe. While Slowness has been challenged in Architecture, Urban life, Personal relation. After that it found it's ways in education also.
"Slow Professor: Challenging the Culture of Speed in Academy."
(University of Toronto press)
So, This is Slow Movement, which is all about going slow, that doesn't mean in the slow speed of a turtle or in the fast speed of a rabbit. Slow Movement is all about moving ahead in Ideal and Adequate speed. Slow Movement is all about doing things at the right speed rather than rushing. It is all about quality of work rather than quantity. Here are some of the concept of Go Slow and to help the Slow Climate Crisis...
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Slow Travel |
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Slow Car |
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Slow Space |
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Slow Cities Thank You....... |
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